f6d3264842 Let's Play Fallout Tactics: Brotherhood of Steel by JcDent - Part 13: Macomb ... all the way to the librarian dude and only then found out where the glasses are.. Fallout Tactics: Brotherhood of Steel - Fallout: Tactics is a tactical squad-based roleplaying ... An optional objective has the player retrieving a librarian's glasses.. Objectives. Meet with Pilot Christian (#1). Escort the Hummer to safety (Exit A). Retrieve the librarian's glasses (#15). Walkthrough You'll start out in a gas station .... Time Enough at Last" is the eighth episode of the American television anthology series The ... Just as he bends down to pick up the first book, he stumbles, and his glasses fall off and shatter. .... The PC game Fallout Tactics (2001) includes a librarian in a desolate world who wants the player to find his missing glasses so he .... 19 Apr 2001 ... Fallout Tactics Help & Tech ›. Macomb-librarian glasses ... question to ask but does anyone know where the glasses for the librarian guy are?. 21 Apr 2005 ... -Agility Agility is the basis of all combat in Fallout Tactics because it sets the number ...... A chest in this building contains the librarian's glasses.. Spectacles are a miscellaneous item in Fallout Tactics. During the Macomb mission the Warrior can find an old library. Phillip Wilson, the librarian, asks him to .... 7 Jan 2016 ... Changelog for the September 2015 update of Fallout Tactics Redux. ... --Modifications: Changed Librarian in Mission 4; he now gives a different sort of reward. Also, the objective of retrieving the glasses isn't added until he .... 28 Nov 2018 ... Spectacles are a miscellaneous item in Fallout Tactics. During the Macomb mission the Warrior can find an old library. Phillip Wilson, the .... n00z! community features fallout fallout2 fallout3 tactics related network .... Anyway, if you follow the row of buildings towards the library you'll see a park across .... snipers (and a large radiation bath in the back room) has the librarian's glasses.. 18 Sep 2012 ... Fallout Tactics mission. Macomb ... Optional, Find the librarian's glasses ... Macomb is the fourth or fifth mission in Fallout Tactics.. Well, there are no rules like in Fallout Tactics Gathering events, however, there is ...... (and a large radiation bath in the back room) has the librarian's glasses.. Macomb is the fourth or fifth mission in Fallout Tactics. Just as ... Midway through the mission you will find Phillip Wilson, a librarian who has lost his spectacles.. 28 Dec 2015 - 25 min - Uploaded by sckchuiWell, there's one person in this mission that we don't have to kill. We have the option to, but .... 18 Sep 2012 ... Spectacles are a miscellaneous item in Fallout Tactics. ... Phillip Wilson, the librarian, ask him to find his lost spectacles. After returning the ...
Fallout Tactics Librarian Glasses
Updated: Mar 24, 2020